After two weeks of therapy, chlorhexidine mouthwash caused brown staining of teeth and oral mucosa. This adverse effect may be especially problematic in RAU patients who repeatedly use the mouth ...
For analyzing alterations in membrane potential, control and AA-treated bacteria were resuspended in 1 ml of PBS containing 30 μM of the potentiometric dye DiOC2(3) (BacLight Membrane Potential Kit, ...
Daniela is a freelance writer who covers lifestyle and culture. In her free time, she's either cuddling with her goldendoodle Chai, buying plants, or having a picnic. Daniela is a Chicana from Los ...
For decades, two-dimensional cell culture has been regarded as a major tool in cellular and molecular biology due to its simplicity, reproducibility and reliable nature. However, it is now recognized ...
Both antibiotic (e.g., tetracycline) and antiseptic (e.g., chlorhexidine) mouthwashes have been studied. The time required for healing of aphthous ulcers has been correlated with the ability of ...
Biofilms are clusters of microorganisms that stick to non-biological surfaces, such as rocks in a stream, as well as to surfaces on plants (roots) or in animals (epithelium). These clusters are ...