Before beginning on my main topic, I want to remind you that a video of the City of Alva Candidate Forum from Monday night is available on our website. Go to and click on Videos to watch the Alva ...
Let's build a bridge between writing software and doing mathematics.
Cicada season is upon us, and what brings up grateful feelings for warm weather in some may bring up symptoms of entomophobia in others. Luckily for those afraid of insects, Delaware is not ...
Get ready for a loud spring, New Jersey. Millions of buzzing, red-eyed cicadas will be emerging from the ground in at least 13 eastern states and making a racket as they search for mates.
Billions of cicadas in New York, New Jersey and 11 other states will come out of a 17-year-long hibernation in two months – and make their presence known with their famously noisy mating call ...
This brood can emerge at rates of millions per acre, experts said. With spring will come warmer temperatures, flora in bloom -- and millions of screaming insects emerging from their resting place ...
With spring will come warmer temperatures, flora in bloom -- and millions of screaming insects emerging from their resting place beneath the ground. Three species of cicada that only emerge once ...
CLARKSBURG, W.Va. (WBOY) — Although it won’t be like 2024’s “cicada-geddon,” some in the U.S. will see another round of the noisy insects again this year. Brood XIV is more spread out ...
No other insect causes as much curiosity and wonder as periodical cicadas do. Their sudden appearance in late May or early June is dramatic and usually noisy as the males produce a seemingly endless ...