23 after selling out of its plushies within the first three weeks ... She said her 10-year-old daughter is a huge fan of Sanrio characters Cinnamoroll and Hello Kitty and her 5-year-old son ...
Between Tan Peng Sing and Nicole Goh, the Singaporean millennial couple and soft toy enthusiasts have just over 80 plushies. Goh, 31 this year, estimates around 20 in her collection that include ...
That’s true of two of the new cosplay Pikachu plushies already! Five new Pikachu plushies have arrived today, each of them dressed up in costumes that’ll be familiar to anyone who plays ...
Piper Phelps, a Tarrytown resident and eighth-grader at Sleepy Hollow Middle School, is already stitching her name on the world of crafting. In less than a year, what started as a simple curiosity has ...
My Cinnamoroll plushie collection speaks for itself. Howe: As more of City Town’s story comes out, the big reason will be revealed. For now, let’s just say that she was designed to bring joy ...