Before planting clear the area of all grass and weeds. Add 4 to 5 shovelfuls of organic matter like peat moss or manure to ...
Want fresh, delicious fruit? Plant these fast-growing fruit trees that grow well in Southern climates. Experts share what to ...
How does the idea of a compact, aromatic, and fun-to-grow citrus tree strike you? It does sound good, doesn’t it, so let's ...
Apple trees aren’t easy to grow because they need consistent care, including precisely timed spraying and pruning, to ...
Over the last 20 years, production in Florida orange groves has plummeted 92%, according to the U.S. Department of ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that Florida’s orange crop will reach levels not seen since before World War II, ...
John Barben is a fourth-generation Florida citrus grower and vice president of Barben Fruit Company. He is also a board ...
Late winter and early spring is the best time to prune established citrus trees,p and protect them from frost. Those of us who love fruit look forward to early summer’s apricots and berries ...
Using forked gleaning poles, some crew members pull citrus from the trees lining backyards, while their teammates dodge the raining fruit, tossing them in crates. The citrus avengers have ...
Researchers have been working for eight years on a genetically modified tree that can kill the tiny insects responsible for citrus greening. The process involves inserting a gene into a citrus ...
A bug-free tree A whole ecosystem of businesses dependent on Florida citrus is at risk if the crops fail, including 33,000 full-time and part-time jobs and an economic impact of $6.8 billion in ...
The Plant Protection Directorate has identified Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV)-infected trees in the areas of Xagħra and along the Marsalforn route in Gozo. CTV is a viral disease that affects citrus ...