“The most beautiful sight in the world is not the flowers at the top, but the fall when someone reaches out and says, I'm ...
For “ick”, you see, is what people say after a revolting experience like finding a fly in the soup. They literally go: “Ick” or “Eww”. Hence, by extension and figuratively, any unpleasant experience ...
本报记者 齐志明 耿 磊 张艺开 《人民日报》(2025年03月10日 第 07 版) “买下这台一级能效空调,我享受到了1600元的国家补贴和1000元的商家补贴,商家上门回收旧空调时还付了500元的收旧款。”湖南省株洲市天元区居民刘元珍算了算账,“新空调外观时尚 ...