U.S. store shelves will not be stocked with cloned foods for a couple of years at least • Cloned food looks the same, and reportedly tastes the same, as traditional food Dr. Sanjay Gupta ...
declaring food products from cloned cattle, pigs and goats safe for human consumption. A few days earlier, officials of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a draft 'Opinion' that ...
Scientists at a technology company said Sunday they have created human embryos through cloning, drawing criticism from President Bush and lawmakers and raising new ethical questions. Advanced Cell ...
the import of cloned livestock and the sale of food from such animals and their offspring, setting up a potential clash with national governments in Europe. The European Union assembly on Tuesday ...
Instead, cloning has been a wedge issue ... but crucial details of existing regulatory authority lodged within the Food and Drug Administration. But no book can possibly capture all the facets ...
S 414, HR 992 - Cloned Food Labeling Act - addressing labeling of cloned animals HR 5827 - Keeping America's Food Safe Act of 2008 - ensuring the safety of domestic and imported food products ...
Team led by a group of Chinese researchers cloned a specific gene that is resistant to Asian soybean rust amid Beijing's focus on food security and tech self-reliance China is the world's largest ...
Cloning close cloningA scientific method by which genetically identical copies are made of animals or plants. expensive food crops has been carried out for many years, and causes the public fewer ...