Tristan Hughes explores what we do know about the Ninth Legion, tracking its history across Britain. In this documentary, Tristan Hughes tracks the history of the Ninth Legion across the British Isles ...
each cohort was again split up into centuries of… ANITA: A hundred! A century is a hundred! MUM: Normally yes but a Roman century was 80 men. The officers, who were in charge and gave orders ...
Boudicca, who’s name means “Bringer of Victory,” was an ancient British Celtic queen who died around 60 CE, after leading her ...
In Britain, at the northernmost edge of the empire, Rome’s normal strategies for command and control of its provinces failed horribly. For the first time in memory, the Roman army was in retreat ...
It was, quite simply, an act of war. Huddled against the biting cold, many of the soldiers of the 13th Legion of the army of the Roman Republic had served under Caesar for much of the previous decade.
His brother Domitian, however, returned Rome to tyranny and fear ... He had seen action in Britain and commanded a legion in Judaea under his father. When Nero died, Titus had actively encouraged ...