You can legally trap for a variety of furbearers, but here we’ll focus only on how to trap coyotes, plus the basic gear and tactics needed to catch these clever critters. We’ll cover: Before ...
The Dearborn Police Department was all set for an eight-day hunt to trap and "dispatch" coyotes from the city's residential neighborhoods. It had lined up an out-of-town exterminator and obtained ...
Nebraska Wildlife Rehab said a coyote was found trapped in an illegal snare trap in Omaha. The animal was rescued from the trap that was described as "a wire loop that tightens around an animal ...
Only eight states have enacted bans or significant restrictions on leghold traps: Florida, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Arizona, Colorado, Massachusetts, California and Washington. The practice of ...
Johnston residents and officials are concerned about what they think are recent coyote attacks on dogs. The city is considering changes to its code to allow certified trapping of coyotes on ...
Few people have heard of “penning.” This cruel practice involves the live trapping of coyotes and foxes (generally with leghold traps or snares) who are then often shipped and traded across state ...
Some means of getting rid of coyotes, like trapping, can be costly, according to the new study. "In the less-resourced areas, people aren't hiring trappers as much as in the wealthier areas," said ...
animal rights activists butted heads with hunting and trapping groups who have sued the state’s Natural Resources Commission over the shortened season. “Extending the coyote season would go ...