为探究细菌防御相关沉默调节蛋白(DSR)系统激活机制,中国医学科学院等机构研究人员开展研究,揭示了枯草芽孢杆菌 DSR2 系统激活机制,为理解细菌抗噬菌体防御提供依据。 在微观的微生物世界里,细菌与噬菌体之间时刻上演着激烈的 “战争”。噬菌体 ...
Figure 1 Location of the cold seep sites surveyed at Formosa ridge. Topographic map shows the tectonic features. The study area is delimited by the red dot. Because the understanding of biomass, ...
Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. The AAA protease FtsH associates with HflK/C ...
Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is a key species that sustains the biodiversity of the Southern Ocean and is a protected and restricted fishing target in this region. Considering the significant ...
Mutational signatures of redox stress in yeast single-strand DNA and of aging in human mitochondrial DNA share a common feature.