DW-AKADEMIE has launched a unique four semester Master’s Program in International Media Studies. The bilingual, Bonn-based degree trains journalists and media managers primarily from developing ...
The model of cooperation brings together the journalistic training program from Deutsche Welle’s DW-AKADEMIE and the academic capacities of the University of Bonn. The University of Bonn was ...
TASS/. An unidentified person made an attempt to drive a car through the gates of the Russian consulate general in Bonn (North Rhine-Westphalia) in western Germany, Deutsche Welle (DW, designated ...
"Of course it's a challenge, as there are language barriers and there are new kids at every training," Jörg Michael, Hertha ...
Spending ten days with the Albanian Language Department at Deutsche Welle (DW) in Bonn, Germany through the EU Innovation. Media. Minds. Program’s International Mobility Grant, provided invaluable ...