Our expert guide on growing a banana plant, including different varieties, planting insights, fertilising and harvesting the bananas.
Keep the room temperatures no cooler than about 15 C or the plant will go dormant. Ficus can be susceptible to spider mite — ...
March is a great month to give your indoor plants a refresh now light levels are increasing and they are coming back into ...
Sara Coleridge, daughter of Samuel Coleridge the poet, wrote verses for children during the mid-1800s and amongst her ditties ...
Within three days the air smelled more crisp and was easier to breathe in our home. So simple and effective!" —Haylee Marez ...
TO mow or not to mow is the question every gardener asks in March. The temptation when the temperature slowly creeps up, ...
An important job in early spring is planting trees - either in pots or in a spot in your garden - but don't skip over some ...