Joshua and Rachel Piland face murder and child abuse charges after their baby Abigail died from jaundice. Jury deliberations ...
A retired midwife struck a lone figure on the beach where Toyah Cordingley was brutally killed the day after a jury was ...
Rachel and Joshua Piland are on trial for murder and child abuse in the death of their newborn. They refused to seek treatment for the baby.
A couple whose newborn baby was starved of oxygen during labour have told a coroner's court she was "failed by those looking ...
The past has been marked by periods of acceptance and intolerance of women’s bodily autonomy. Can it offer lessons for today?
A NEWBORN baby died because of medical care from “incompetent” midwives who tried to blame her mum for the death, an inquest ...
Ryan Lock and Sarah Robinson say they have had to fight for answers after a hospital trust "put up a huge wall" following their daughter's death.
In a statement, Morecambe Bay NHS Trust's chief nurse said: 'We know we need to do better and will be leaving no stone ...
A decade on from a damning report into maternity services, its author says the "gross failure" that caused the death of a ...
Eight separate shortcomings were identified by a coroner over the death of Ida Lock - as he attacked the 'callous and ...
Ida Lock suffered a serious brain injury due to a lack of oxygen around the time of her delivery at Royal Lancaster Infirmary ...
A baby girl died after midwives at Royal Lancaster infirmary failed to provide basic medical care as she struggled to breathe ...