Stratum V2是一项由SRI团队和全球比特币开发者共同领导的开源努力,它将创建区块的控制权交还给个体矿工,而不是矿池,并引入了Stratum V1协议急需的安全升级。通过利用Stratum ...
(吉隆坡27日讯)政府透过国家基建公司(Prasarana)耗资19亿令吉购买1560辆柴油及电动驱动巴士,同时增加Rapid ...
The White House on Monday rejected a French politician's demand for the return of the Statue of Liberty to France.
Tang Dongsheng, a professor at Foshan University, said that the consumer goods trade-in program significantly boosted demand in sectors like home appliances last year.
There is a problem of "supply exceeding demand" in China's green certificate market. To address this issue, the government has issued a document proposing to expand the scale of green certificate cons ...