3TC: Lamivudine; ABC: Abacavir; DRV: Darunavir; DTG: Dolutegravir; EFV: Efavirenz; FTC: Emtricitabine; rtv: Ritonavir; TDF: Tenofovir. ↓: Decrease; ↑: Increase ...
A dissolvable oral dispersible film of dolutegravir could transform treatment ANALYSIS | MELODY CHIRONDA | In the fight ...
Previous research has suggested an increased risk for neuropsychiatric symptoms in people living with HIV who are being ...
Kenya is among six African countries at risk of running out of HIV drugs following the recent decision by the US government ...
Cancellation letters, which end millions of rands of South African universities’ US-government funded HIV and TB research ...
【药物相互作用】 (1)代谢诱导剂药物可能减低dolutegravir的血浆浓度。 (2)应在服用含阳离子抗酸药或泻药,硫糖铝,口服铁补充剂,口服钙补充剂,或缓冲药物前2小时或后6小时服用TIVICAY。 【安全与疗效】 ING111762(SAILING)是一个为期48周的3期随机双盲对照 ...
Check stock performance, fundamentals, market cap, shareholding, financial reports, annual & quarterly results, and profit & loss statements.
Cancellation letters, which end billions of rands of South African universities’ US-government funded HIV and TB research ...
Providing long-acting (LA) antiretroviral therapy (ART) to breastfeeding women with HIV who face adherence challenges may be ...
Berry is worried about the upcoming expiry in 2027 of patent protection for HIV drug dolutegravir, which accounted for no less that £1.48 billion of fourth-quarter HIV sales, which will create a ...