The recent discovery of an art forger's workshop reminds us of the long history of fraudulent artworks – here are the simple rules to work them out. The recent discovery of an art forger's workshop ...
There wasn't a lover or a servant or a cat that did not preen him—or herself on being the most favoured of the lot',' wrote Julia Strachey of Dora Carrington. For the first time, the “unpindownable” ...
The artwork had been hiding in plain sight in the archives of a provincial museum in France, where it will eventually go on permanent display Art Meets Science The 19th-century English poet was a ...
Breakfast is the key start of the day. In Americana, diners have a special place in memory. Recently honored as a Rising Star chef at the 2025 Albany Food and Dine Fest for the Arts, Dylan Longton's ...
3月24日,商务部部长王文涛会见美国嘉吉公司董事会主席、总裁兼首席执行官尚博远。双方就嘉吉公司在华发展、中美经贸关系等进行交流。 王文涛指出,近期成功召开的中国“两会”,释放出积极信号,展现了中国在复杂国际环境下坚定不移扩大高水平对外 ...