A recent crash in population prompted a multi-partnership study to analyze crab abundance patterns in the Pacific Northwest.
One minute to go until the start of Dungeness crab season. In the pitch black sea, Day’s radiant orange buoys bob with the promise of a payday. In total, he has set out 250 crab traps.
Skagit Valley Herald, Mount Vernon, Wash. The state Department of Fish and Wildlife is proposing rule changes to the commercial Dungeness crab fishery to address marine life entanglements ...
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The Dungeness crab season had opened just a few weeks earlier — two months behind schedule — and was off to a slow start. "We're working very hard to basically get nothing," said Ogg.
Dungeness crab is a California classic. Since these crustaceans first took off commercially in San Francisco around 1848, California crabbers have been dropping their traps and hauling them in. The ...
As of March 3, 8.33 million pounds of Dungeness crab were landed statewide this season, including 5.03 million pounds ...
Fore more information about the Oregon Dungeness Crab season, visit oregondungeness.org. This segment is sponsored by Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission. Plunge into ice water until cooled ...
SEATTLE — Researchers are waging a quiet battle in the Pacific Northwest to protect one of the region’s most iconic species — the Dungeness crab. Using light traps, scientists at the MaST ...