Wheat crops are dying, and scientists just found out why — here's what it means for our food supply first appeared on The Cool Down.
scouts wondered if the crop was drying down or dying down. “Our clients are pretty much saying the same, it is dying down,” says Jim McCormick of AgMarket.net. “It’s pretty amazing how ...
UC Riverside scientists discovered how to make parasitic weeds die early using plant hormones. This method could help farmers ...
As such, the researchers concluded that dead and dying plants should be removed from homes and offices to avoid this negative impact. “Our research has shown that when choosing houseplants appea ...
During the end-Permian mass extinction––also called the Great Dying–80 percent of marine ... The extinction of Gigantopteris plants in South China and across the ancient supercontinent ...
Soils sequester a massive amount of carbon (over twice as much as the atmosphere and all plants combined). In addition, microbes in healthy soils lead to the development of antibiotics and other ...