随着FDA批准的ADC药物越来越多,受到鼓舞的开发商们明显地加大了对ADC管线资产的投资力度。ADC正在重新定义靶向癌症治疗的前景。ADC的发展,在抗体、有效载荷和接头的开发设计方面都实现了迭代更新。自从2000年首款ADC药物Mylotarg(ge ...
ADCs offer one strategic point of control through which traffic flows, enabling enterprises to optimize, secure and scale AI ...
EDG战队作为LPL的传统强队,其ADC位置历经多任选手,每位选手的表现和荣誉各有不同。以下基于历史表现、荣誉及舆论评价,对EDG历任ADC进行综合评述,并分析“最弱”人选的争议点。 作为EDG初代ADC,Namei在S4赛季被官方认证为“世界第一ADC”,帮助EDG在LPL联赛 ...
AstraZeneca (NASDAQ:AZN) has announced plans to acquire biotechnology company EsoBiotec for up to $1 billion, aiming to ...
Callio Therapeutics has raised $187m in Series A financing round for achieving clinical proof-of-concept for HER2-targeted ...
T2M IP GmbH, a global representative of semiconductor IP Cores, proudly announces that its Partner’s high-performance ADC IP, including 12bit ADC and 16bit ADC, has been licensed to a leading Tier-1 ...
The ODT-ADS-7B64G-3 is an ultra-high-bandwidth time-interleaved ADC designed in a 3nm CMOS process. This 7-bit, 64GSPS ADC supports ac-coupled input signals up to Nyquist and features a full-scale ...
located in 49 states and containing approximately 47.2 million square feet of gross leasable area. The Company's common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "ADC".
Our goal is to enhance drug efficacy while minimizing ADC toxicity, offering transformative treatment alternatives for patients worldwide. Moreover, Akeso has established cutting-edge ADC research ...
Our goal is to enhance drug efficacy while minimizing ADC toxicity, offering transformative treatment alternatives for patients worldwide. Moreover, Akeso has established cutting-edge ADC research, ...
Our goal is to enhance drug efficacy while minimizing ADC toxicity, offering transformative treatment alternatives for patients worldwide. Moreover, Akeso has established cutting-edge ADC research, ...