QRS complex and T wave in lead I. Predominantly upward P wave, QRS complex and T wave in aVR. This is opposite of what is seen in a normal ECG. The above findings are similar to that seen in a ...
Lead augmented vector right (aVR) is a useful measure in the diagnosis of ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI), indicates a new analysis of data from the HERO-2 trial.
She returns for a follow-up visit for palpitations, and a 12-lead ECG is obtained ... negative in leads I and aVF and positive in leads aVR and V1 (^). A second atrial waveform is superimposed ...
ST segment elevation from pericarditis is diffuse (all leads except aVR and V1) and concave upward ... Diffuse T wave inversion is stage III of the ECG changes in pericarditis.