The ability to make a phone look precisely how you want has spawned an entire wave of utilities and launchers. Nova Launcher is one such app that lets you get a near-stock look. But it also has a ...
The Minecraft legacy launcher was once one of the most popular ways to download the sandbox title before the arrival of the new version called Minecraft launcher. This installer allowed players to ...
Nova Launcher is a highly popular Android launcher with over 50 million downloads. But the app’s future is uncertain because Branch, the new parent company, has cut off the entire Nova development ...
Forbes contributors publish independent expert analyses and insights. I write about TV shows, movies, video games, entertainment & culture.
Easy to assemble metal water rocket launcher with a 125 PSI safety valve. Rocket will NOT fly straight without an aerodynamic nose cone made from a second soda bottle and use only 1 cup (200 ml ...
Android home screen launcher that uses a dynamic pie menu instead of tables of icons.
And this one is a hotfix, but with a tiny bit of new stuff still. Big thanks to all vvvv user who reported the Launcher was confused by of the new vvvv win-arm64 builds, and even more thanks to @bj-rn ...
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在弹出的菜单中,选择“移除”或“移至应用库”(具体选项取决于你的 EMUI/HarmonyOS 版本 ... 你可以安装第三方桌面启动器(例如 Nova Launcher、Lawnchair 等),这些启动器通常可以隐藏系统应用图标。 但需要注意的是,使用第三方启动器可能会影响系统的稳定 ...