Fans in Bangladesh recently celebrated the arrival of Hamza Chowdhury, a midfielder for the English club Leicester City, in the city of Sylhet. This event marks a significant turning point as the 27-y ...
Launched on March 21 by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, the global slogan contest, titled “Come ...
广州本田将生产一款三厢轿车思迪(CITY),该款车将作为广州本田第四个产品品牌,主打中级车市场。思迪的先进性体现在高科技方面技术领先。思迪继承本田领先世界的先进技术,是同级别车型中唯一使用5AT变速器、唯一达到欧Ⅳ排放标准的轿车。图为广州本田思迪(C ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
作为低空经济的重要组成部分,低空旅游迎来新的政策支持。3月26日,国务院办公厅转发商务部《关于支持国际消费中心城市培育建设的若干措施》(以下简称《若干措施》)的通知。《若干措施》提出,“开发低空旅游项目”。受访专家普遍表示,目前,国内低空旅游项目仍在持续增加。未来,“City Fly”(城市翱翔)有望接棒“City Walk”(城市漫步),成为更加流行的旅游业新模式。(证券日报) ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Christmas is a time for stuffing yourself 大吃大喝 with food and drink, and sprawling 放松地躺或坐在 in front of the TV to watch old movies… except if you are a Premiership footballer that is. The last five days ...
为全面提升上海文化旅游国际传播力,助力打造“中国入境游第一站”,上海市文化和旅游局今起正式启动“发现上海:城市文旅主题口号全球征集”活动。此次活动面向全球公开征集中英文主题口号,旨在通过全球公众的广泛参与,凝练上海的文化内涵与国际形象,向世界传递“上 ...
After years of anticipation, the greatest show on earth has ended. The London 2012 Olympic Games have come and gone, and the ...