The best part of english classes was discovering new authors because of assigned summer reading. I'd pretend to "complain," but I loved when my mom took me to the public library to find books I'd ...
Salman Rushdie to publish new novel later this year - The Eleventh Hour will be the Booker Prize winner’s first book since ...
Here’s where to find new and used English language books in the French capital, whether you’re in search of a great new beach ...
During the day, he works as a chef in Skellefteå.But at night, he writes horror stories.Now, Björn Högdal has published his ...
Ten books in English translation reflecting “some of the most exciting, innovative and boundary-pushing fiction anywhere” ...
Seven Seas has licensed The Wicked Princess and The Twelve Eyes! to print and release digitally in English later this year!
Vic’s Lab, LLC, has announced that volume two of Brandon Nowakowski’s urban fantasy light novel “ContRact” will be released ...
Alexander Chee is a Dartmouth professor and bestselling author who hosted a series of creative writing events from March 17 ...
Ibo's Landing is a novel about race; Conversations with Ted Kooser examines his career as a poet; Love in the Lowcountry is a ...
Over 30 years after its initial debut, the original comic book series based on The Witcher is finally available in English.