The ancestor of Vitoid grapes, which eventually led to the commercial grape varieties cultivated today, likely originated in ...
Very few people make it to the deepest depths of the oceans, which is why new discoveries are constantly made about the exotic creatures that dwell in the deep blue sea. Although these next five ...
Animal physiology is the scientific study of the life-supporting properties, functions and processes of animals or their parts. The discipline covers key homeostatic processes, such as the ...
蛇年新春,小盗龙打算在春节期间给大家科普几种已经灭绝的史前巨蛇,一起探索蛇类的极限和辉煌,今天介绍的必须是体型能够与泰坦蚺(Titanoboa)比肩的蛇王蛇! 蛇王蛇(Vasuki)的属名来自于印度神话中的蛇王婆苏吉(Vasuki),婆苏吉是印度神话中的蛇神 ...
Animals that reproduce year-round (e.g., human beings and mice) are so-called non-seasonal breeders. However, in most animals living outside of tropical zones, gametogenesis occurs during a particular ...
suggesting that human ACE2 transgenic pigs are a viable large animal model for COVID-19.