A simple color picker for controlling the built-in RGB LED on the Arduino Nano ESP32. This project allows you to select colors and display them on the onboard RGB LED. This is my first learning ...
乐鑫ESP32-P4 乐鑫ESP32-P4采用RISC-V双核处理器 ... 屏幕输出 启明云端WT99P4C5-S1开发板支持的MIPI-DSI接口、TFT RGB接口以及LCD TP接口,为多样化的屏幕输出提供了强大保障。 MIPI-DSI接口凭借其高速、低功耗的特性,能够将开发板处理后的丰富图像数据快速、稳定地传输 ...
近日,知名数码博主@数码闲聊站独家披露了一项供应链新进展,一款名为Real RGB ...
If you’re into electronics, IoT, or DIY projects, you’ve probably heard about the ESP32. It’s one of the most powerful and affordable microcontrollers out there, packed with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, multiple ...
这个项目结合了设计和创造力,产生了一个美丽的RGB照明设置,将照亮你的工作空间 ... 最初,我计划为这盏灯使用ATtiny85微控制器,但后来我想起了闲置的ESP32-S3。它的高级特性使它成为加速项目的完美人选 为了控制led,我在ESP32-S3上安装了WLED固件。
We will fetch GPS data from the Neo-6M GPS module using the ESP32 and send this data to a map plotting and routing API via a simple ... The project includes displaying the coordinates on a 16x2 LCD ...
The cheap WLAN and Bluetooth chips from the manufacturer Espressif, ESP32, contain undocumented commands in the Bluetooth hardware communication in current firmware versions. This opens up a ...
ESP32, manufactured by a Chinese company called Espressif, is a microcontroller that enables Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections in numerous smart devices, including smartphones, laptops, smart locks ...
文 | 佘宗明 2025年进度条还没到1/4,但中国科技“新”潮澎湃之年的刻度已经标下。DeepSeek横空出世,宇树科技机器人惊艳全场,就是标志性事件。 风既起,吹皱一池春水。在突破连着突破之下,中国的科技创新力正被外界重估。