一是明显的翻译错误。如横琴一中、城轨等错误翻译。此外,记者在走访时还发现有地名拼音错误问题,如有的路牌上,“粗沙环”英文标识采用拼音,却写成了“Cunshahuan”,正确写法应是“Cushahuan”;“天羽道”被写成“Tia yu ...
On the afternoon of March 12, with a resounding whistle, a China Railway Express freight train carrying 50 containers departed from the CR Intermodal Zhengzhou Terminal in Central China's Henan ...
伦敦的Circle ...
Shanghai Dramatic Arts Center will stage British director Rich Rusk's adaptation of Franz Kafka's novel "The Metamorphosis" ...
China has integrated technology into its national priorities, with tech exports, cross-border collaboration, and digital infrastructure projects playing a growing role in its global engagement.
Yes, bad weather is a fact of life. It’s a fact. Rainy days and gloomy days exist. No matter how much you prefer sunny days, ...