Song Xiaodong, a researcher in China's Liaoning, is affectionately known as a "tree doctor." For over 40 years, he has dedicated himself to protecting Pinus sylvestris. His work now helps to safeguard ...
Song Xiaodong, a researcher in China's Liaoning, is affectionately known as a "tree doctor." For over 40 years, he has dedicated himself to protecting Pinus sylvestris. His work now helps to safeguard ...
2021 年 7 月,日本高崎山自然动物园举行了一场特殊的就任仪式:9岁的年轻母猴 Yakei 成为了猴群中的阿尔法。 这是有记录以来,日本猕猴猴群中出现的第一个雌性阿尔法。Yakei 的登基,不仅有天时地利的运气,更有她一路过关斩将的勇气。 这种事在大多数日本猕猴的猴群里都不会发生。 一个猴群中的猴子有等级高低之分。我们常以为“猴王”有权决定猴群的事务;实际上,猴群向哪边前进、吃什么东西,往往是 ...
星期天,前加拿大央行行长马克·卡尼(Mark Carney)以压倒性多数赢得执政的自由党党魁之位,将接替特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)成为下一任加拿大总理。他将面临应对加拿大与美国一触即发的贸易战和预期中的联邦选举等重大议题。
由中国科学院主管,中国科学院生态环境研究中心和中国长江三峡集团有限公司联合主办,中国城市科学研究会水环境与水生态分会协办的中国科技期刊卓越行动计划高起点新刊《水与生态(英文)》(Water & Ecology,缩写W&E,E-ISSN 3050 ...
After about eight hours of outage, Musk posted that the platform faced a "massive cyberattack." "There was (still is) a massive cyberattack against X. We get attacked every day, but this was done with ...
CIRP(Consumer Intelligence Research Partners)日前发表博文报道称,苹果的入门 iPhone 机型(包括 iPhone SE 和 iPhone mini 系列)虽然销量占比持续下滑至 ...
In the upcoming 2. Bundesliga showdown, Magdeburg will host Hamburg, making this match undoubtedly a hot topic of discussion. As a 'dark horse' in the league, Magdeburg has shown significant fluctuati ...
A team of more than 170 forest rangers, over 50 of them women, works tirelessly to protect the rich biodiversity of Dashahe Nature Reserve in southwest China's Guizhou Province.
作者 | Michael Redlich译者 | 明知山策划 | 丁晓昀OpenJDKJEP 502(稳定值(预览))已从 Candidate 状态进入到 Proposed to Target 状态,目标版本为 JDK 25。该 JEP 此前叫作计算常量(预览),引入了计算常量的概念,即最多初始化一次的不可变值持有者。这一特性提供了 final ...
In Xinjiang, Dr. Maynur Niyaz has spent over 40 years fighting for women's health. A pioneer in cervical cancer treatment, she brings hope and healing to countless patients.
美国一名18岁女子理查德(Taylor Richard),近日在德州汤博尔的一间酒吧内,持手机不断向酒客们分享她在情人节时拍的车震分手炮性爱影片,不断出言败坏前男友巴塞特(Michael Bassett)名声,酒吧客人发现立即报警 ...