In addition to watches, I can also detect fake bags and jewelry. The traditional way to authenticate a watch is to open the back case, check for movement, and check for the integrity of the movement.
In a new episode of 'The Kardashians,' Kourtney Kardashian calls out her mom for once buying her kids knockoff Chanel watches ...
This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with John Buckley, a 59-year-old watch dealer with offices in New York City and New Jersey who's the owner of TuscanyRose LLC and managing partner ...
A social media fashion critic has publicly challenged the authenticity of Nigerian actress Regina Daniels' recently acquired Rolex wristwatch. The video is trending.
“Remember when you got us the fake Chanel watches for Christmas?” Kardashian reminisced while laughing. Jenner then also cracked up. “Listen, I’m just —,” she began before Kardashian ...