A “senseless” burglar who raided £6,300 of goods from a Boots store in two raids in one night has been jailed.
Boss Tommy Warrilow expects there will be plenty of twists and turns in the title race as Faversham look to get back on track. An abandoned hotel left derelict for 20 years could finally be ...
The market town of Faversham was named among the quintessential market towns of the UK, and it's perfect for a weekend ...
How to get the Nara and Taro skins in Fortnite How to get the Ryker skin in Fortnite ...
Article continues below Surrounded by an intrigued audience, expert Rupert Maas met with a guest at Belmont House, Faversham, on the BBC daytime series to discuss a painting that caused quite a ...
A woman from Faversham who was recognised for her skills at producing street food is teaming up with a local wellness expert to offer bite-sized nutrition advice online. Katie Newton from Wasted ...
Chilham, A28 Ashford Road. Road closure in place between A252 and The Street junctions due to a burst water main. @sewateruk ...
A Guernsey brewer and hospitality trader has changed ownership for only the second time in its 157-year history. Randalls produces drinks including Breda and owns more than 20 pubs, restaurants, ...