In the ever-expanding tapestry of urban design, the mini car stands as a testament to human ingenuity and cultural identity.
全球首个PD-1 抑制剂O药抢先圈地,建造起宽广的专利高墙,使得后来者(默沙东、罗氏、阿斯利康、再生元/赛诺菲)无法绕开,BMS/小野制药收过路费收到手软。默沙东曾经主动挑战O药专利,战火从欧洲专利局一路蔓延到美国,最终BMS/小野制药胜出。
BMW China and Chinese technology giant Huawei have announced a groundbreaking partnership to integrate Huawei's HarmonyOS ...
Standing at the height of the global automotive industry, Japanese automakers have an unshakable position in the traditional ...
全球首个PD-1 抑制剂O药抢先圈地,建造起宽广的专利高墙,使得后来者(默沙东、罗氏、阿斯利康、再生元/赛诺菲)无法绕开,BMS/小野制药收过路费收到手软。默沙东曾经主动挑战O药专利,战火从欧洲专利局一路蔓延到美国,最终BMS/小野制药胜出。 科济药业拥有的全球首个GPC3 ...
When it comes to robotics globally, China is the focus. In January and February this year, China's industrial robot ...
Shares in Chinese EV giant BYD surged to a record high Tuesday after it unveiled new battery technology it says can charge a ...
一针价格超120万元,它是治愈癌症的希望,也是让无数患者家庭望而却步的“天价药”。这种被称为CAR-T的疗法为何如此之贵?其根源就在于它的“个性定制”,作为采集患者自身T细胞制备而成“一人一药”,其产品成本无法通过治疗更多患者摊薄。而在前不久,来自闵行的科学家团队带来重大突破,宣布该价格有望降至10万元以下, ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
Dopo il calo delle vendite in Europa, Tesla affronta un pesante ribasso anche in Cina, dove le spedizioni sono scese del 49%.
坐在副驾驶上视野很开阔,很多人都爱坐副驾驶,那么副驾驶的英文是什么呢?不知道的同学快来学习吧。 passenger seat 不是普通的乘客座位,特指司机旁边的乘客座位,也就是副驾驶位。 你的朋友要是对你说 passenger seat ,记得给他开前排的车门哦。 例句: His laptop computer is lying on the passenger seat. 他的笔记本电脑正放在副 ...