BYD unveiled an ultra-fast charging system that it said was capable of adding 250 miles of range in just five minutes, ...
Yet if Mr Musk can tear himself away from the intoxication of shredding the American government, he may notice something. It ...
在中美都对数据安全有所保留的情况下,入华的特斯拉FSD并不是“完全体”,但已经引起了媒体和竞争对手的高度关注。 2月25日,特斯拉中国官方发布了FSD智能驾驶软件更新的消息,更新后车辆能在城市道路直行、左右转、掉头、自动变道等。此外,车载摄像头 ...
Tesla (TSLA) will roll out its smart driving-assistance feature in China after completing approval of relevant software, Reuters reports. In ...
Tesla has begun rolling out FSD-like smart driving features in China, though avoids mentioning FSD. The latest software update will allow vehicles to follow navigation routes off ramps and ...
最近,特斯拉在国内开始推出了它的FSD(全自动驾驶)功能,价格高达6.4万元。说实话,FSD的技术还挺吸引人的,年初马斯克访华说会尽快引入到中国市场,大家还是挺期待的,但从目前这么多测试车实际使用效果来看,它在国内的实际表现不是那么让人满意 ...
使用微信扫码将网页分享到微信 蛰伏 6 年,几度跳票,特斯拉 FSD 终于迎来了它的入华首秀。 那些押注未来的 FSD 车主,此刻竟成了首批双向套利者 ...
上个月,特斯拉在中国推出的 FSD 系统引发了一些客户的批评,此次合作旨在解决相关问题。 消息人士称,百度近期派遣了一支工程师团队前往特斯拉北京办公室,专注于将百度的导航地图信息,如车道标线和交通信号灯等数据,更好地整合到特斯拉的 FSD V13 ...
Tesla is preparing a software update for Chinese customers to offer FSD features similar to those available in the US market, according to Bloomberg. The features will be deployed to customers who ...
IT之家2 月 26 日消息,特斯拉的 FSD 辅助驾驶功能昨日在中国已正式上线,此前该功能仅在北美地区可用。据早期用户反馈,FSD 在中国的驾驶环境中表现良好,已展现出对中国交通规则和路况的适应能力。 IT之家注意到,特斯拉 CEO 埃隆・马斯克(Elon Musk ...
Tesla FSD 13.2.X seems to get pretty good reviews even with a lot of snow and ice on the road. There were some issues with getting to close to curbs which were covered with snow. This driver felt good ...