4 天
CarBuzz on MSNdelta 4x4 Slaps Off Road Wheels And Tires On A Ferrari Purosangue And Sends It To The ...F errari launched the Purosangue with the insistence it wasn't an SUV as it would never stoop so low as to sell one of those.
11 小时
知乎 on MSN明明是第一代产品,小米为什么把自己的汽车定名 su7,而不是 su1?因为这是小米的SEXY和小心思 Su7 定义官方有解释,而由于Su7的尺寸接近奥迪A7,因此后续车型你们也可以参考奥迪来期待 虽然大家觉得Speed ultra比较牵强,那么按照西方传统命名“Sedan Utility”多用途轿车,“Sport ...
第六名:法拉利Purosangue 法拉利的首款SUV虽自称为FUV(法拉利多用途车),但它3.3秒的零百加速成绩,绝对无法掩盖其跑车血统。搭载6.5升V12自然吸气发动机,动力强劲,表现相当出色。 第五名:保时捷卡宴Turbo GT 这款德国经典之作凭借471千瓦的动力和850牛米的 ...
动力方面,法拉利Purosangue搭载的是F140IA型号的6.5升自然吸气V12发动机,最大输出功率为533千瓦(725马力),峰值扭矩为716牛米,最大转速达到6250rpm,配合8挡湿式双离合变速箱(DCT)。悬挂系统采用双叉臂式独立悬挂与多 ...
Porsche says its lineup could expand to include another SUV by the end of the decade. And no, it's not the Cayenne EV slated to launch later this year. Heck, it won't even be an EV. Surprisingly ...
Discover and compare the best SUVs by model year. View pricing, gas mileage and consumer ratings, or select individual vehicles for an in-depth look at their specs and features. This could be why ...
You will find a wide variety of affordable SUVs on the market, but these options are among your best bets.
日前,《哪吒之魔童闹海》全球票房超过《复仇者联盟3 无限战争》,跃居全球影史票房榜第6名。该片票房佳绩...[详细] ...