Annual and seasonal average sea surface temperature (SST) maps are available for the Australian region. Long-term averages have been calculated over the standard 30-year period 1961-1990. A 30-year ...
Obtain daily sea ice extent values, ranges, and median values for the Arctic or the Antarctic. Analyze monthly-averaged or daily sea ice extent and concentration via interactive maps. Plot monthly ice ...
Trend maps are based upon underlying 2 degree observations grids which have been interpolated near coastlines. Mean sea surface temperature values are provided for a boxed region around Australia ...
Who are the Overwatch 2 characters? The sequel to Blizzard’s hero-based FPS game features a mixture of returning characters and new faces. The current Overwatch 2 roster boasts 43 heroes ...
If you’ve been struggling to get past maps in PoE 2, Dawn of the Hunt might be a good time to get the squad together and pick the game back up when it goes live at 2pm CT on April 4. Continue ...
Yet, the impact of these factors may be different in each case. The current study presents an application of Fuzzy Grey Cognitive Maps (FGCMs) to the comparative evaluation of factors affecting ...
It appears you're visiting this site with a browser that is old and unsupported. To continue using this site and its features, you will need to use a newer browser. I was reminded of that quote from ...
Trial CO 2 injection is set to begin in April. Over the next decade, the project aims to inject more than 1 million tonnes of CO 2 into subsea formations while boosting oil production by 200,000 ...
Russia announced plans to develop a permanent naval base at a tiny port on the Black Sea. WSJ explains what it reveals about Moscow’s territorial and strategic ambitions for the region.
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