Watch the legendary Nissan Skyline GTR R33 take on a thrilling drifting challenge with precision slides and raw power! Experience the adrenaline of high-speed drifts, smoky burnouts, and epic control.
1995年,日产推出第四代GTR R33。由于在开发初期,研发团队出现决策失误,选择偏重舒适的轿车底盘。GTR R33上市后,市场反馈呈现出两极分化的态势,一部分消费者对R33 的舒适性和外观设计给予肯定,认为R33在保持一定性能的同时,提升日常驾驶的舒适性 ...
Forza Horizon 5 is one of the most visually stunning and content-rich open-world racing games. With a massive map set in ...
Sound is transmitted through a Bose Premium Audio System with 11 speakers. The programmable screen also shows GT-R performance data like turbo boost pressure, engine oil temperature, fuel flow rate, ...
从此,“战神”之名不胫而走,GT-R也成为了高性能跑车的代名词。 尽管随后的第四代GT-R R33在舒适性上有所提升,但这一改变并未赢得所有车迷的认可。市场对R33的反馈呈现出两极分化的态势,销量也因此受到影响。日产意识到,作为“战神”的GT-R,必须坚守 ...
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A great sound system can transform your movies, games, and music into a truly immersive audio experience. Whether it's soundbars, subwoofers, or speakers, you can turn your living room into a mini ...
Regardless of Nissan’s future, this final generation of GT-R will go down in the history books as one of Nissan’s most interesting products—and a sound successor to the string of popular ...
Some car collectors may have been puzzled by something that began happening earlier this decade: Out of nowhere, examples of the R34-generation Nissan Skyline GT-R suddenly started popping up for ...