The pores have an external diameter of 43 nm and 12-fold symmetry. The single IMC vesicle appears to have a zig-zagged row of proteins connecting it along one edge, which has been termed a suture, as ...
同时,AL 虽能有效清除血液中的疟原虫,缓解疟疾症状,却难以清除成熟的恶性疟原虫配子体(gametocytes),而配子体是疟原虫传播给蚊子的关键阶段。为了解决这一问题,2017 年埃塞俄比亚开始在 AL 治疗方案中加入单剂量伯氨喹(primaquine,PQ),以阻断疟疾传播。
As the parasite multiplies asexually within RBCs, some develop into sexual forms known as gametocytes, which are then taken up by another mosquito when it bites an infected individual. Inside the ...
Bacteria - e.g., Rhizobium, which fixes nitrogen in legume roots. Fungi - e.g., Mycorrhiza, which enhances nutrient uptake in plants. Cyanobacteria - e.g., Anabaena, which fixes nitrogen in soil or ...
Ticks are the most versatile arthropod diseases vectors capable to transmit the broadest spectrum of pathogens comprising viruses, bacteria, protozoa, fungi and nematodes to their vertebrate hosts ...