Where were the tomatoes planted last year? Was it this spot? Learn about the importance of crop rotation with your vegetable ...
Cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi, cauliflower, and other members of the cabbage family are plants that should not be planted near ...
A successful spring garden begins well before the first blooms of the season. Winter, often regarded as the dormant period for plants, offers the perfect opportunity to prepare garden beds ...
Rats and other rodents like mice seek shelter, food and warmth in winter and preventing an infestation is better than removing one, says an expert.
Having an indoor fruit tree may sound appealing, but not all fruit trees are suited for growing inside. Here are the ones to avoid and what to grow instead.
Although you may want to keep cats out of your garden, you may want to reconsider using a particularly pungent herb that has ...
With just a few simple tweaks, you can turn your shed into a bird haven and attract more wildlife to gardens. Read on for 7 ...
Before species go extinct, their populations often shrink and become isolated. Healthy populations tend to have a large gene ...
While you can grow asparagus from seed, most of us are going to begin by planting what is known as an asparagus crown.
Minute by minute, the days are staying lighter just a bit longer. That means gardeners are that much closer to spring gardening activity. In the meantime, gardeners can use these ...
When a friend asked me why her lemon tree, despite diligent fertilization, had bright yellow leaves and was failing to thrive, I told her I would try to determine the ...
Toward the end of February temperatures will begin to warm a little. However, temperatures in the 30s and 40s are still quite ...