Historians may no longer talk of a single Celtic culture, but in The Celts: A Modern History Ian Stewart crafts a unified history of a changing idea.
Whether to avert bad luck, express gratitude for good fortune, or simply out of habit, knocking on wood endures as a small ...
While Celtic identity has been used by French revolutionaries ... In pre-revolutionary France, the French nobility claimed descent from the Germanic Franks, who had invaded and subdued the ...
Long relegated to the bottom of civil status records, the once popular first name Loreley (or Loreleï) is making a remarkable ...
Very little is truly known of the ancient Celts who left no written records. The names of many of the gods worshipped by them are known through Latin or Gallo-Latin inscriptions made in late pre ...
Celtic news now gathers news, podcasts, videos and other content about Celtic Load news That's all Folks! View the latest Celtic news or browse the Celtic FC news archive ...
According to popular legend, the Celtic Cross was introduced by St. Patrick when he was converting the pagans in Ireland to Christianity. (Although others claim it was St. Declan who introduced ...
Celts Are Here is a dedicated unofficial news blog for the famous Glasgow Celtic FC. We have a team of dedicated authors who are Celtic daft and who have their fingers of the pulse of Celtic news.
The current paper is an homage to the works of K. H. Schmidt; it explores a number of linguistic links between Celtic and Slavic branches of Indo-European. Special attention is devoted to the relative ...
The experimental folk group’s gigs are astonishing spectacles – think Viking funeral mixed with a battle from The Lord of the Rings – and their ultimate goal is to whisk the listener off to an ancient ...