Ford is investing billions in Europe as it struggles to keep pace with the wave of Chinese and other low-cost EVs hitting the ...
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The reality show that made Donald Trump a TV star, The Apprentice, is now streaming on Prime Video. The NBC show is credited ...
Takeshi Kimura, a Nissan engineer overseeing the Japanese automaker’s self-driving technology, shows the car packed with the ...
As these brands borrow from the likeness of well-established brands, potential customers either feel confident in the counterfeit or confuse them entirely, mistaking the copycat for the original ...
Organizing Amazon workers is both an existential challenge and an opportunity for labor. But the company’s cash advantages ...
Hollywood is more out of touch than ever, churning out expensive flops and scrambling to stay relevant. Seth Rogen’s new Apple series The Studio hilariously rips the industry apart - and deservedly so ...
(密西根10日讯)福特汽车公司(Ford)宣布了一项针对其德国子公司Ford-Werke的重大投资计划,作为其欧洲业务复兴战略的一部份。根据周一发布的声明,这家美国汽车制造商将向这个陷入困境的部门投入高达44亿欧元(211亿令吉)。该投资将用于推进F ...
Car Dealer Live is just days away with attendees set to be inspired by a series of thought-provoking sessions. Taking place on Thursday (March 13) at the ...
(吉隆坡10日讯)Loob控股今日宣布,旗下奶茶品牌Tealive将进军泰国,并计划在10年内开设80家分店。这是Loob控股在不久前宣布进军印度后,再一次宣布进军新海外市场。Loob控股创办人兼首席执行员吕伟立通过文告表示,该公司已选择泰国当地一家领先的食品和饮料公司--餐厅发展公司(Restaurants Development),作为泰国的Tealive营运商。餐厅发展也是印度营运商餐厅发展 ...
Gary Lineker has backed Liverpool to sign in-form Premier League defender Milos Kerkez ahead of Manchester United. Kerkez is ...