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1940年5月10日凌晨,德国以空军与伞兵为先导,对荷兰发动突然袭击,拉开了入侵西欧的序幕。此时的荷兰海军规模虽小,但拥有相当比例的现代化舰艇,且正处于大规模扩充的前夜。正如上文所述,日本侵华等一系列事件使远东地区的国际局势日趋紧张,荷属东印度群岛等荷兰在远东的殖民地也嗅到了越来越浓的战争火药味,这迫使荷兰人(先是荷兰海军部,然后是荷兰政府)制订了大幅扩充海军人员和造舰的计划。不过,其海军扩充计划 ...
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His Majesty The King visited aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales today as the Royal Navy finalises preparations for a major global deployment to the Indo-Pacific this spring. King Charles flew to the ...
Captain, Officers and Ship’s Company of HMS Prince of Wales, Ladies and Gentlemen, as Honorary Commodore-in-Chief Aircraft Carriers, I need hardly say that it gives me the greatest possible pleasure ...