A small Windows utility which lets you create a random hex string with n bits of entropy, while using your mouse.
Decode hex strings from GPS trackers with our powerful GPS Tracker Parser and JT808 GPS Protocol Analyzer. Easily view and analyze GPS data.
A malware operation dubbed 'DollyWay' has been underway since 2016, compromising over 20,000 WordPress sites globally to redirect users to malicious sites.
Microsoft fixes 57 security flaws, including six zero-days exploited in the wild. CISA mandates patches by April 1.
更多精彩内容尽在南大通用GBase技术社区,南大通用致力于成为用户最信赖的数据库产品供应商。 南大通用GBase 8c原生支持多兼容模式,可以辅助企业摆脱数字化转型时异构语法差异较大的困境,降低数据互通成本和迁移风险。GBase 8c目前可支持Oracle(A模式 ...
Hold the Alt key and type the ASCII code of the character you want to get. To type the hexadecimal string of a character or symbol for your Content Warning face, however, you need to tinker with ...
微软在 2025 年 3 月的“补丁星期二”(Patch Tuesday)更新中修复了一个严重的 Windows 内核漏洞,该漏洞已被黑客在野外利用近两年。 该漏洞存在于 Windows Win32 内核子系统 中,被归类为 ...
Find the best tennis strings with easy-to-use use string finding tool. Looking for a new tennis string but not sure which to test? Whether you are new to the sport or a seasoned pro, our string finder ...
These Father's Day gift ideas from daughters are so good, they're guaranteed to win you the title of favorite child. The best ...
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