英文名称:Hexokinase II VDAC Binding Domain Peptide, Cell - Permeable 中文名称:己糖激酶 II 电压依赖性阴离子通道结合域肽,细胞可透性 氨基酸序列:Arg - Gln - Ile - Lys - Ile - Trp - Phe - Gln - Asn - Arg - Arg - Met - Lys - Trp - Lys - Lys - ...
People with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) also have an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer. However, the exact ...
Metabolic reprogramming in cancer involves glycolytic enzymes acquiring noncanonical functions and acting as protein kinases, which contribute to tumor progression and present new therapeutic ...
Home > Pressemitteilung: New potential target for colon cancer ... Research by the Cluster of Excellence PMI and the DFG ...
目前,癌症治疗面临着诸多挑战。传统化疗药物虽然能够在一定程度上抑制癌细胞生长,但往往伴随着严重的副作用,对患者的生活质量造成极大影响。而且,癌细胞对化疗药物的耐药性问题也日益突出,成为癌症治疗成功路上的 “绊脚石”。因此,寻找一种高效、低毒的癌症治疗方法迫在眉睫。
自乳酸化修饰被发现以来,逐渐成为科研及国自然热点方向。 2025年已累计发表文章138篇 ,包括 中国医学科学院胡盛寿院士 、 中国医学科学院基础医学研究所曹雪涛院士 、 山东第一医科大学辛涛、南京师范大学王荣等团队 ...
By reducing the activity of key glycolytic enzymes—including hexokinase II (HK2), phosphofructokinase platelet (PFKP), and pyruvate kinase M2 (PKM2)—quercetin lowers energy production in LSECs ...