When you have liver disease, bilirubin "backs up in the liver, which then goes into the bloodstream and goes around your body. And that's why you look yellow," says Paul Kwo, MD, a professor of ...
Two recent observations linking these phenobarbital-induced changes in the liver with modifications of bilirubin metabolism have caught the fancy of hepatologists. As discussed by Robinson et al.
Bilirubin is a yellow compound that can accumulate in the body, particularly in cases of liver dysfunction, leading to serious health issues such as jaundice and potential brain damage.
If bilirubin diglucuronide is formed, can the liver cell secrete this conjugate into the biliary passages? And what is the defect in the livers of these patients? To arrive at some of the answers ...
The liver plays a key role in bilirubin conjugation and excretion. Any disruption in this process-;whether in the production, ...