Samsung has apparently started testing a 200MP periscope camera. The Galaxy maker would follow in the footsteps of vivo and HONOR if it offered a phone with a 200MP zoom camera. Our own experience ...
I’m not surprised by this because the best camera phones offer outstanding optical quality, allow you to zoom farther, see what you can’t see in the dark, and even capture jaw dropping 4K video.
This compares to 10 million in December 2019. Zoom still remains a very popular service, but as most of the world has returned to some form of office work, it has lost a bit of its shine. To fix that, ...
The best bridge camera combines the convenience of a compact camera with the zoom of a telephoto lens and the ergonomics of a DSLR. In fact they look and feel pretty similar to a DSLR, but they have a ...
Don't forget that the lens you use is just as important as the camera itself. Cameras are sold either "body only" or with a "kit lens" – typically a starter lens with around a 3x optical zoom to cover ...