Though several individuals find contact lenses online to cause dryness, selecting the appropriate lens material and observing excellent eye care can really help. Proper replacement schedules, ...
Artistic representation of self-healing gels in a mobius-ring form. Credit: Chen Liang / CC BY 4.0 Researchers have developed a new hydrogel that is both strong and self-healing. This breakthrough ...
Athira Rohit, B.S.; Mark Willcox, Ph.D.; Fiona Stapleton, Ph.D. Rolando and Refojo 55 Temperature and humidity sensors interconnected with a constant humidity conditioning unit 4.1 (0.4) 30 ...
UTC These under-eye patches join Summer Fridays’ extensive roster of skin offerings made to banish dehydration and puffiness including its flagship Jet Lag Mask: a multitasker of the highest degree ...
Senators questioned Mehmet Oz, MD, MBA, on Medicaid budget cuts, nursing shortages and his prior claims about miracle drugs during a committee hearing to be the next administrator of CMS. The FDA ...
"Cixi has been mythologized, demonized, and distorted, often seen through a Western colonial lens. I'm interested in how narratives around powerful women are constructed, particularly how they're ...