I've known my husband was the person I wanted to marry since we met. He knows me so well and proposed to me in a library without saying a word. He also secretly filmed our engagement, and I'll ...
Every day at 4 p.m., my husband rolls in from a long day of work as a high school administrator. He has usually had to deal with meetings, teenagers, teachers, and colleagues all day. For me ...
I stopped saying no to my husband for 30 days. Why? Out of desperation. At a peak moment in a heated argument, he looked me in the eye and said what I consider the worst thing I could hear from ...
Every Christian woman desires a godly husband. The prosperity and well-being of a family are determined by the direction in which a husband leads the family. Finding the best "prayer for my husband" ...
He'd come to present to my women's study group about being a cross-dresser. Among the four presenters were a postoperative transgender man, another cross-dressing man, and an androgynous ...
My husband finds these meetings overwhelming and usually goes out of his way to minimize his exposure. This Christmas, however, was different. He was calm, happy, chatty, and somehow skated ...
My husband declined and Dad just lost it. There was a massive fight, we left early, and now there are hard feelings and anger in all directions. My husband’s reasons are clear: He can’t accept ...
Like, this was our relationship. Was he my beloved husband? Well, no, not when you’re about to get divorced. anna martin What happens when the permanence of death clashes with the messiness of life?
In her epochal essay “Against Interpretation,” Susan Sontag concluded with a memorable flourish: “In place of a hermeneutics we need an erotics of art.” Foreman theater answered this call by creating ...
DEAR ABBY: My stepdaughter “Annie” gave my husband a photo album of his life for his 80th birthday. The album included pictures of his parents and grandparents as well as photos from his first ...