With no sign of an Nvidia GeForce RTX GPU and low CPU demands, the minimum and recommended specs are almost identical to last ...
The SPE-DEX 4790 also supports the automation of oil and grease extractions (EPA 1664) globally. Sample volumes ranging from 40 mL up to (8) liters are accommodated.
选择支持Haswell Refresh的B85主板(如华硕B85-PRO GAMER),未来可升级至i7-4790,AMD平台建议选择支持A10-7890K的A88X芯片组主板,保留APU升级空间,内存插槽建议保留至少一个空余插槽以备扩展。 在硬件迭代加速的当下,GT750用户应着重考虑主板的基础素质和扩展潜力 ...