IAEA scientific and technical publications can be searched by multiple parameters: year of publication, topic and type. Use the facets to input your search criteria or the text field to search by ...
IAEA scientific and technical publications can be searched by multiple parameters: year of publication, topic and type. Use the facets to input your search criteria or the text field to search by ...
Iran’s stock of uranium enriched to near weapons grade has grown sharply since it announced a dramatic acceleration in December and there has been no progress on resolving outstanding issues ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin's spokesperson says Putin and President Donald Trump will discuss the war in Ukraine when ...
That’s an increase of 92.5 kilograms (203.9 pounds) since the IAEA’s last report in November. That material is a short, technical step away from weapons-grade levels of 90%. A report in ...
The stock of uranium refined to up to 60% in the form of uranium hexafluoride grew by 92.5 kg in the past quarter to 274.8 kg, one of two confidential IAEA reports said. That is enough in ...
(东京18日讯)国际原子能机构(IAEA)总干事格罗西将于周二抵达日本,行程包括首度造访2011年福岛核灾受污土壤的储存设施。这是他第5度正式访问日本。 法新社报导,IAEA正在监督福岛第一核电厂的退役过程,这一过程将持续数十年。该核电厂在2011年因海啸 ...
The E3 and Tehran have no better option than re-engaging. Failing to do so risks movement towards a weaponized nuclear programme, military escalation, or both.
Deputy foreign ministers of Russia, China and Iran call for multilateral talks on ending ‘unlawful’ US sanctions.
The stock of uranium refined to up to 60% in the form of uranium hexafluoride grew by 92.5 kg in the past quarter to 274.8 kg, one of two confidential IAEA reports said. That is enough in principle, ...
Two quarterly reports sent by the IAEA to member states showed that while the stock of 60% material has grown by around half, there has been no real progress on resolving long-running outstanding ...
This guide covers all the logo design rules, best practices, tips, examples, and more to equip you with the knowledge for crafting brilliant logos. Logos are one of the most vital elements of any ...