In order to maximize the value of IEEE publications to authors, users and the IEEE, the following IEEE copyright policies shall be applied throughout the IEEE: 1. IEEE shall serve and protect the ...
In accordance with IEEE Bylaw I-307. Nominations and Elections, individual voting members may propose, by petition, names to be added to the ballot for the offices that appear on the IEEE annual ...
Sennheiser is now shipping its two new video bars designed for huddle and meeting rooms. Each model offers 4K video, integral ...
中铁二十局集团公司是国家大型建筑施工企业,现为世界500强企业——中国铁建股份有限公司的全资子公司。企业始建于1949年,前身为中国人民解放军华东警备第五旅、步兵101师、铁道兵第十师。解放战争时期曾参加过解放青岛和长山列岛战役,抗美援朝期间 ...
Maybe you missed it? Banana Pi OpenWrt One Router Board Banana Pi BPI-RV2 Overview: A look at the new, upcoming OpenWrt One ...
On paper the new Mark II R5 camera offers the same number of megapixels as its predecessor, but they crucially use different processors that make a big difference to image quality and especially ...
The sound of 1Xtra, uninterrupted... Seminal music moments that have shaped 1Xtra, Black music and culture. 1Xtra's Live Lounge Month Listen back to stellar live sets from the likes of Pa Salieu ...
St. Patrick's Day Parade on Sat., 11:30am. Downtown Muni reroutes.