Cinnamon comes from a bushy evergreen tree of the Lauraceae family; the spice is produced from the tree's bark. The dried inner bark is brown, fragrant and sweet. Cinnamon trees grow in moist ...
It is made from the dried inner bark of a tree called Cinnamomum verum. Growing these trees is an investment. Farmers must wait four years after a tree is planted before they can begin harvesting.
He separates the bark from the trunk and peels the white inner-bark away from the brown outer-bark. The inner-bark (known at this raw stage as tapa) is soaked and softened in water. When it's ...
These slippers are made of the delicate mesh inner bark of the lace-bark tree, Lagetta lagetto, with soles of "cocoa nut" bark and India rubber fibre. The beautiful natural lace of the lace-bark ...