Abstract: The gradient of the ionic conductivity is a critical factor for assessing the spatial variability of ionic distributions, as evident in the complex dynamics that are characteristic of ...
IFP Energies nouvelles, 1 et 4 Avenue de Bois Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France ...
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Tabriz, Tabriz 5166616471, Iran ...
Although the desire for EVs has fallen by the wayside since November, they will rise again once oil shoots past $100 a barrel ...
property prediction and evaluation • P-V-T behaviour studies • Properties of aqueous systems • Properties of Ionic Liquids (ILs) and Deep Eutectic Solvents (DES) based systems Intermolecular ...
The result from X-ray diffraction showed that the crystallinity of O-alkylation of chitosan decreases, most likely due to the decomposition of CS in the ionic liquid. The solubility test of ...
Ionic liquids are salts with melting points below 100 oC and are therefore liquids at lower temperatures than other salts. The materials can have useful physical properties, such as low or non ...
AUSTIN, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ionic Digital Inc. (“Ionic” or the “Company”), a digital infrastructure and cryptocurrency mining company, today is providing notice to stockholders of ...
In this work, diimidazole hexafluorophosphate, particularly the C 1 MF, was applied in the conversion of xylose into furfural in an aqueous phase under the microwave method, and the experimental ...
Hydrophobic deep eutectic solvents have proven useful in extracting non-polar target compounds, though researchers have shown there is room for further development.
Find out how thermogalvanic cells can power devices from body heat and industrial waste using efficient energy conversion ...