THE observation reported in the present note relates to an Aspergillus with yellow- to ochraceous-eoloured conidia. The mould does not appear to correspond entirely with any published description.
The results of their study, recently published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, confirm the efficacy of a series of prodrugs based on derivatives of itaconic acid, simply referred to as ...
A research group, led by Dr. Pavel Majer from IOCB Prague, in collaboration with the laboratories of Barbara Slusher and Louis Garza at Johns Hopkins University, has developed a compound that could ...
Researchers have developed a compound that could potentially treat the autoimmune disorder alopecia areata, which causes hair loss leading to the formation of bald patches. The results confirm the ...
2025-03-19报道,3月17日,阿斯利康宣布III期CALYPSO研究取得积极结果,该研究旨在评估 ...
The EU-funded R&D project EOLIAN is one of the early research projects that is trying to bring biobased virtimers into real ...
他们证实一系列基于衣康酸(itaconic acid)衍生物的前体药物的疗效。此外,这些前体药物很有可能以片剂的形式口服,而不仅仅是软膏。相关研究 ...
来自汉诺威实验与临床感染研究中心TWINCORE和吕贝克大学的研究人员确定了可能用于预防HEV感染后出现严重疾病的中和抗体。 研究开发了一种可能治疗斑秃的化合物。他们证实一系列基于衣康酸(itaconic acid)衍生物的前体药物的疗效。